聖托里尼伊亞Top 5最佳拍攝點完整指南 The Guide by Local Photographer to the Top 5 Best Photo Shooting Spots in Oia, Santorini

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍


Oia, Santorini is a photographer's paradise, with its stunning sunsets, white-washed buildings, and breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea. To help you capture the perfect shots, we've compiled a guide to the best photo spots, how to get there, tips on respecting the locals, the best times to shoot, and how to avoid the crowds.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍



1. 令人屏息的日落


#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

2. 白色小屋建築


#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

3. 懸崖景觀


#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

4. 獨特的傳統房屋


#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

Why Santorini Oia is the Best Photo Shooting Location

Santorini, particularly Oia, is renowned worldwide as one of the best destinations for photography enthusiasts. Here’s why this picturesque village stands out as a top-notch photo shooting location:

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

1. Breathtaking Sunsets

Oia is famous for its stunning sunsets over the Aegean Sea. The changing hues of the sky, from soft pinks to fiery oranges, provide a mesmerizing backdrop for any photograph. The sun setting behind the iconic windmills and blue-domed churches creates a magical atmosphere that is unparalleled.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

2. White-Washed Architecture

The traditional houses in Oia are characterized by their white-washed walls and blue-domed roofs. This architectural style not only reflects the local aesthetics but also enhances the contrast against the deep blue sea and sky. The simplicity and elegance of these buildings make them perfect subjects for minimalist and architectural photography.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

3. Cliffside Views

Perched on the cliffs of Santorini, Oia offers breathtaking panoramic views of the caldera and the surrounding islands. The narrow pathways and winding streets lead to countless vantage points where you can capture sweeping vistas of the volcanic landscape and the azure waters below.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

4. Unique Traditional Houses

One of the most distinctive features of Oia’s architecture is its traditional houses, known as "captain’s houses" or "cave houses." These houses are carved into the volcanic rock and often feature arched doorways, vaulted ceilings, and interior courtyards. They were originally built by wealthy shipowners during the island’s maritime prosperity in the 19th century.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

1. 標誌性的藍頂教堂

位置: 靠近Anastasi教堂附近

如何前往: 從伊亞的主廣場出發,沿著通往城堡的小徑前行,注意指示牌指向Anastasi教堂附近即可找到藍頂教堂。

最佳拍攝時間: 早晨或傍晚,避免強烈陰影和人群。

提示: 尊重當地居民,不要爬上屋頂或阻礙通道。雖然整個伊亞目前已經很少有當地居民居住,大部分懸崖上的洞穴屋全都已變成 Airbnb,拍照時還是請尊重入住的旅客,盡量放低音量,且不佔用一個景點超過5分鐘。另外在伊亞很多的藍頂教堂其實都是私人擁有喔,所以如果沒有經過房東的允許,千萬不要為了拍照亂入。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

2. 伊亞城堡(Kastro)最佳看夕陽景點

位置: 伊亞主步行街的盡頭

如何前往: 沿著伊亞的主步行街走到盡頭,那裡是城堡遺址的所在地。

最佳拍攝時間: 日落時分非常迷人,但這也是最擁擠的時候。想避開人群,可以選擇早晨或傍晚時分。

提示: 注意其他遊客,給每個人拍照的機會。在指定區域內活動,避免破壞歷史遺址。因為它位在突出的懸崖上,所以在這裡你可以將整片的伊亞傳統白房和大大鹹蛋黃的日落一起取景,並慢慢的看著金黃色的太陽落入愛情海中。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

3. Amoudi 灣

位置: 伊亞下方,可以通過陡峭的小徑或樓梯進入

如何前往: 從伊亞沿著步道或樓梯下到Amoudi灣。或者,您可以開車並在灣附近停車。

最佳拍攝時間: 傍晚時分,日落前,當光線柔和而金色時。

提示: 穿著舒適的鞋子下山,並準備好爬回來,單程約3百多階,建議不要在太陽高照時爬,容易中暑。另外推薦可以在那選一家餐廳吃海鮮看日落,建議多往裡面走一點,因為靠近停車的那幾家餐廳價位都比較高。還有不太推薦坐驢子下去 Amoudi,因為不安全也不舒服,有時驢子會因為周圍很多人,而有失控的舉動,突然跑起來讓你措手不及。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

4. 風車

位置: 靠近伊亞的西部

如何前往: 沿著伊亞的主步行街朝西部前進,您會找到標誌性的風車。

最佳拍攝時間: 早晨或傍晚,避免人群,捕捉最佳光線。

提示: 耐心等待拍照機會,避免阻礙其他遊客通行。如果不想在城堡區和大家搶位子看夕陽,建議也可以走到風車看夕陽,人會少很多。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

5. 隱藏的小巷

位置: 散佈在伊亞各處

如何前往: 探索從主步行街分支出來的狹窄街道和小巷,這些隱藏的寶藏通常遊客較少。

最佳拍攝時間: 一天中的任何時間,但中午時分陽光透過狹窄通道會帶來獨特的光線效果。

提示: 尊重私人財產,避免侵入。在這些區域保持安靜,並考慮居住在這裡的居民。我特別推薦在 Karma餐廳 的那條小巷,一直往下走,有2間特別有特色的船長傳統房子,還有老舊的藍色傳統木門,再加上幾株開滿九重葛的粉紅色落花點綴,真的很適合拍一些文青照。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

1. The Iconic Blue Domes

Location: Near the Anastasi Church

How to Get There: Start from the main square in Oia and follow the path towards the castle. Look for signs pointing to the Anastasi Church. The blue domes are located nearby.

Best Time: Early morning or late afternoon to avoid harsh shadows and crowds.

Tips: Arrive early to get a good spot and respect the local homes and properties by not climbing on rooftops or blocking entrances.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

2. Oia Castle (Kastro)

Location: At the end of the main pedestrian street in Oia

How to Get There: Walk along the main pedestrian path in Oia until you reach the end, where the castle ruins are located.

Best Time: Sunset is magical here, but it’s also the most crowded time. For fewer people, try early morning or late afternoon.

Tips: Be mindful of the other visitors and give everyone a chance to take their photos. Stay within designated areas to avoid damaging the historic site.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

3. Amoudi Bay

Location: Below Oia, accessible via a steep path or stairs

How to Get There: Walk down the steps from Oia to Amoudi Bay. Alternatively, you can drive and park near the bay.

Best Time: Late afternoon, just before sunset, when the light is soft and golden.

Tips: Wear comfortable shoes for the descent and be prepared for the climb back up. Respect the local fishermen and their workspaces.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

4. The Windmills

Location: Near the western end of Oia

How to Get There: Follow the main path towards the western side of Oia, where you’ll find the iconic windmills.

Best Time: Early morning or late afternoon to avoid the crowds and capture the best light.

Tips: Be patient and wait for your turn if others are taking photos. Avoid blocking the path for other visitors.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍

5. Hidden Alleys

Location: Scattered throughout Oia

How to Get There: Explore the narrow streets and alleyways branching off from the main pedestrian path. These hidden gems are often less crowded.

Best Time: Anytime during the day, but midday can offer unique lighting as the sun filters through the narrow passages.

Tips: Respect private properties and avoid trespassing. Be quiet and considerate of the residents living in these areas.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍


  1. 保持在公共通道上: 避免爬上屋頂、牆壁或私人財產。

  2. 保持安靜和體貼: 伊亞是一個居住區,許多當地居民在這裡生活和工作。尤其是在清晨和深夜時分,保持噪音水平低。

  3. 妥善處理垃圾: 使用指定的垃圾箱保持區域清潔。

  4. 徵求許可: 如果拍攝人物或其財產,請始終先徵求許可。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍


  • 早晨(上午6點至上午9點): 光線柔和,遊客較少。

  • 傍晚(下午4點至下午7點): 金色的時光提供美麗的照明,人群管理較為容易。

  • 日落(晚上8點至晚上9點): 具有象徵意義,但人潮眾多。建議提前到達以確保好位置。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍


事實是,伊亞在旅遊旺季時-6月到8月,無時無刻都是人,但如果想避開大排長龍的隊伍,基本原則就是避開當天郵輪停靠聖托里尼的時段,每天郵輪停靠的行程都不同,可以點選以下連結查看(每小時更新),通常 10am to 4pm 是最多大型遊覽車停靠伊亞的時段。

  1. 在淡季訪問: 四月初至五月末和九月至十月是遊客較少的理想時段。

  2. 探索較少人知曉的地點: 遠離主要景點,發現隱藏的寶藏。

  3. 早出或晚歸: 早晨和傍晚是避開高峰遊客時間的最佳時機。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍


  1. 從主廣場出發: 從伊亞的主廣場開始您的旅程。

  2. 前往藍頂教堂: 沿著通往城堡的主步行道路前行,以捕捉藍頂教堂。

  3. 前往伊亞城堡: 繼續沿著主道前行,來到城堡遺址。

  4. 下到Amoudi灣: 沿著樓梯下到灣邊,拍攝海濱風光。

  5. 參觀風車: 返回並前往風車所在地。

  6. 探索隱藏的小巷: 結束您的路線,探索狹窄而風景優美的小巷和街道。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome photo shoot #Wedding photographer #Oia sunset photo tour #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘當地專業攝影師 #藍頂教堂婚紗攝影 #聖托里尼最佳拍攝景點 #伊亞城堡 #伊亞風車 #圣托里尼婚纱摄影 #圣托里尼旅拍


Respecting the Locals and Simple Rules

  1. Stay on Public Paths: Avoid climbing on rooftops, walls, or private properties.

  2. Be Quiet and Considerate: Oia is a residential area, and many locals live and work here. Keep noise levels down, especially early in the morning and late at night.

  3. Dispose of Trash Properly: Keep the area clean by using designated trash bins.

  4. Ask for Permission: If you’re photographing people or their property, always ask for permission first.

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Best Photo Shooting Times

  • Early Morning (6 AM - 9 AM): The light is soft, and the streets are relatively empty.

  • Late Afternoon (4 PM - 7 PM): The golden hour provides beautiful lighting, and the crowds are manageable.

  • Sunset (8 PM - 9 PM): Iconic but crowded. Arrive early to secure a spot.

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How to Avoid the Crowds

  1. Visit During the Shoulder Season: Late April to early June and September to October are ideal times with fewer tourists.

  2. Explore Lesser-Known Spots: Venture away from the main attractions to discover hidden gems.

  3. Shoot Early or Late: The early morning and late afternoon are the best times to avoid peak tourist crowds.

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Best Photo Shooting Route

  1. Start at the Main Square: Begin your journey at Oia’s main square.

  2. Head to the Blue Domes: Walk towards the Anastasi Church to capture the blue domes.

  3. Move to Oia Castle: Continue along the main path to the castle ruins.

  4. Descend to Amoudi Bay: Take the steps down to the bay for waterfront shots.

  5. Visit the Windmills: Head back up and make your way to the windmills.

  6. Explore Hidden Alleys: Finish your route by exploring the narrow, picturesque alleyways.

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By following this guide, you'll be able to capture the beauty of Oia while respecting the local community and avoiding the crowds. Happy shooting!

All photos by Toto Kuo & Galanopoulos Art Gallery
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