跟著當地攝影師探索希臘聖托里尼:熱門景點 / 行程規劃指南 Discovering Santorini, Greece : A Local Guide's Perspective

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

English version below



#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘



#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘



#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘



#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


  1. 伊亞 (Oia):以豪華住宿和壯觀美景聞名,伊亞是尋求高端體驗的理想選擇。

  2. 費拉 (Fira):島嶼的首都提供從經濟型到豪華型的各種住宿,位置居中。

  3. 伊美洛維格利 (Imerovigli):這個較安靜的村莊提供擁有壯觀美景的精品酒店,是浪漫度假的理想之地。

  4. 皮爾戈斯卡利斯提斯 (Pyrgos Kallistis):提供更真實且不那麼遊客化的體驗,皮爾戈斯擁有迷人的賓館和精品酒店。

  5. 卡馬里海灘 (Kamari Beach):對於那些想要住在海邊的人,卡馬里提供海濱酒店和熱鬧的氛圍。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


  1. 伊亞 (Oia):以壯觀的日落聞名,伊亞的白色建築和藍頂教堂提供了完美的拍照背景。狹窄的街道和懸崖邊的景色使每個角落都非常上鏡。
    可參考另一篇部落格有完整的推薦路線: 聖托里尼伊亞Top 5最佳拍攝點完整指南

  2. 費拉 (Fira):島嶼的首都提供火山口的全景,擁有迷人的街道和傳統建築。

  3. 伊美洛維格利 (Imerovigli):常被稱為“愛琴海的陽台”,這個村莊提供了令人難以置信的美景,是伊亞日落的一個更安靜的替代選擇。

  4. 皮爾戈斯卡利斯提斯 (Pyrgos Kallistis):這個村莊較少擁擠,提供更真實的體驗。作為聖托里尼的心臟,皮爾戈斯是一個擁有傳統建築和狹窄街道的迷人村莊。中世紀城堡提供了全島的全景視角。皮爾戈斯(Pyrgos)是聖托里尼島上最令人心醉神迷的村莊之一,坐擁絕美的360度全景。這個宛如童話般的村莊保留著豐富的歷史遺跡,擁有島上最多的中世紀城堡和40多座風格各異的教堂,以及一排排粉刷成白色的洞穴房屋,營造出一片極具魅力的風情。穿越曲折的街道和小巷,您將發現隱藏在其中的幽靜庭院和觀景平臺,盡情欣賞著島嶼的壯麗景色,彷彿置身於一幅美麗的畫卷中。

  5. 斯卡羅斯岩 (Skaros Rock):這個令人印象深刻的岩層位於伊美洛維格利,提供徒步旅行和壯觀的火山口景色。是尋找戲劇性景觀的攝影師的必訪之地。斯卡羅斯(Skaros)是聖托裡尼島上一個令人驚嘆且具有悠久歷史的絕佳景點。其獨特的地質構造形成了一個圓錐形半島,高約 20 米,吸引了來自世界各地的遊客。然而,斯卡羅斯不僅僅是一個地質奇觀,它還承載著聖托裡尼島豐富的歷史。作為 15 世紀建造的第一座堡壘,斯卡羅斯曾是該島的海盜入侵的堡壘,如今,堡壘的廢墟仍然屹立不倒,為遊客帶來一段時光的穿越之旅。除了地質和歷史的意義外,斯卡羅斯還是欣賞聖托裡尼島日落的理想地點。站在岩層頂部,欣賞著壯麗的全景,這裡絕對是任何前往聖托裡尼島的旅行者不可錯過的景點。

  6. Vlychada海灘:以其獨特的月球般的景觀聞名,Vlychada海灘的白色懸崖和黑色沙子形成了鮮明的對比,是拍攝獨特照片的理想地點。Vlychada海灘是希臘聖托里尼島南海岸的一個富有獨特魅力的目的地。輕鬆乘坐汽車或公共汽車即可抵達,吸引著島上眾多遊客。這裡的獨特之處在於其壯觀的懸崖景觀,宛如一件天然雕塑品。然而,這些懸崖實際上是火山、風和海洋的自然創造,歷經時間洗禮後形成了如今令人驚嘆的景觀。海灘長而寬,水域淺且安全,是游泳和曬日光浴的理想去處。其深色的沙子和鵝卵石彩色豐富,正是火山活動的痕跡,營造出了獨特的自然美景。前往Vlychada海灘,您將沉浸在這片令人讚嘆不已的大自然之中,度過一段難忘的時光。

  7. Koloumpo海灘:一個更隱蔽的地點,Koloumpo海灘提供了寧靜的自然環境,適合拍攝。這個僻靜的海灘是聖托里尼島上隱藏的寶石。憑藉其黑色的沙灘和火山岩,它為遊客提供了獨特而狂野的體驗。海灘可以通過平緩下降到水中進入,因此可以輕鬆進出大海。海灘周圍巨大的懸崖令人歎為觀止,為那些尋求避暑的人提供了自然的陰涼處。遊客應自備水和食物,因為附近沒有商店或餐館。關於這個海灘需要注意的一件事是,裸體主義者和當地人經常光顧它。對於那些尋求安靜祥和的海灘體驗的人來說,這可能是一個不錯的選擇。

  8. 塞拉西亞島 (Therasia Island):從聖托里尼短途乘船即可到達,塞拉西亞島提供一個較為安靜、更傳統的希臘島嶼體驗,可以回望主島的壯觀美景。Therasia 是一個未經改進的小島,沉浸在傳統和真實性中。它位於聖托里尼島的西側,距離伊亞村僅一海裡,是一個寧靜而風景如畫的目的地,以其自然美景而聞名。遊客可以從阿穆迪灣乘船前往島上的港口里瓦(Riva)到達Therasia。旅程不到 20 分鐘,可以欣賞到周圍景觀的壯麗景色。抵達后,遊客將看到一個迷人而迷人的小港口,兩旁是供應新鮮海鮮和美味當地菜餚的魚類餐廳。Therasia 與眾不同的一件事是它對傳統和真實性的承諾。該島未經改善,多年來一直能夠保持其自然美景和文化遺產。遊客可以步行探索島嶼,欣賞迷人的風景,享受遠離人群帶來的和平與安寧。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘



#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

3-5 天行程建議


早上: 抵達聖托里尼,並入住費拉的住宿。

下午: 探索費拉,這座島嶼的首府。參觀塞拉考古博物館,漫步於風景如畫的街道。

晚上: 在懸崖邊的餐廳享用晚餐,觀賞火山口的景色。從費拉的觀景點觀看日落。


早上: 前往伊亞。探索其迷人的街道、精品店和藍頂教堂。

下午: 參觀海事博物館,然後步行至阿莫迪灣,在水邊享用午餐。

晚上: 返回伊亞觀看著名的日落。在當地的小酒館享用晚餐。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


早上: 參觀阿克羅蒂里的遺址。

下午: 在紅沙灘放鬆。

下午晚些時候: 探索皮爾戈斯村。參觀皮爾戈斯城堡,享受全景視野。

晚上: 在皮爾戈斯的傳統餐廳享用晚餐。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


早上: 探索伊美洛維格利,並徒步前往斯卡羅斯岩。

下午: 參觀一家酒莊,參加酒莊之旅和品酒活動。

下午晚些時候: 前往Vlychada海灘,放鬆並欣賞獨特的景觀。

晚上: 在Vlychada的海邊小酒館享用晚餐。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


早上: 參加前往塞拉西亞島的船遊。探索這個島嶼,享受它的寧靜。

下午: 繼續船遊,前往位於Nea Kameni附近的火山溫泉。浸泡在溫暖的水中。

晚上: 返回費拉或伊亞,享用告別晚餐。

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


  • 交通工具: 考慮租一輛車或ATV,這樣會更方便,特別是如果你計劃探索多個村莊和海灘的話。

  • 船遊: 提前預訂火山口和日落船遊,以確保你的位子。

  • 餐廳預訂: 在熱門餐廳,特別是伊亞和費拉的餐廳提前預訂晚餐,確保能夠坐在有美景的桌子。

  • 當地美食: 嘗試傳統希臘菜餚,如穆薩卡、蘇瓦拉奇和新鮮的海鮮。不要錯過當地的特色菜,如法瓦豆泥和蕃茄丸子(番茄煎餅)。

  • 打包: 帶上舒適的步行鞋、泳裝、防曬霜和帽子。特別是在夏季,陽光會非常強烈。

  • 紀念品: 購買當地的產品,如葡萄酒、橄欖油和手工製品,把一部分聖托里尼帶回家。


#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

Introduction to Santorini

Santorini, a jewel in the Aegean Sea, is renowned for its breathtaking beauty, rich history, and captivating sunsets. This volcanic island, part of Greece’s Cyclades group, has become one of the most beautiful and sought-after destinations in the world. With its iconic white-washed buildings, crystal-clear waters, and stunning landscapes, Santorini offers a perfect blend of natural wonders and cultural treasures.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

A Brief History of Santorini

Santorini's history is as dramatic as its landscapes. The island was formed by a massive volcanic eruption around 3,600 years ago, which created its distinctive crescent shape. This eruption, one of the largest in recorded history, led to the collapse of the center of the island, forming the caldera. Over centuries, volcanic activity and human settlement have shaped Santorini into the mesmerizing destination it is today. The island's ancient city of Akrotiri, often referred to as the "Minoan Pompeii," provides a glimpse into its rich past, showcasing well-preserved ruins from a once-thriving civilization.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

Why Santorini is the Most Beautiful Destination in the World

Santorini's beauty lies in its unique combination of natural and architectural elements. The island's dramatic cliffs, formed by volcanic activity, rise majestically from the azure waters of the Aegean Sea. These cliffs are adorned with charming villages featuring white-washed houses, blue-domed churches, and narrow cobblestone streets. The contrast between the stark white architecture and the deep blue sea creates a picturesque setting that is truly unparalleled. Additionally, Santorini's sunsets, especially those viewed from Oia, are legendary, casting a golden glow over the island and captivating visitors from around the world.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

How to Get There

Santorini is accessible by both air and sea. The island has an international airport, Santorini (Thira) National Airport, which receives flights from Athens and several European cities. Alternatively, travelers can take a ferry from Athens' Piraeus Port or from other islands in the Cyclades. High-speed ferries and slower, more scenic options are available, making the journey part of the experience.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

Suggested Places to Stay

  1. Oia: Known for its luxury accommodations and stunning views, Oia is perfect for those seeking a high-end experience.

  2. Fira: The island’s capital offers a range of accommodations from budget to luxury and is centrally located.

  3. Imerovigli: This quieter village offers boutique hotels with breathtaking views, ideal for a romantic getaway.

  4. Pyrgos Kallistis: Offering a more authentic and less touristy experience, Pyrgos has charming guesthouses and boutique hotels.

  5. Kamari Beach: For those looking to stay by the sea, Kamari offers beachfront hotels and a lively atmosphere.

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘

Most Popular Photo Shooting Spots

  1. Oia: Known for its stunning sunsets, Oia's white-washed buildings and blue-domed churches provide a perfect backdrop for photos. The narrow streets and cliffside views make every corner photogenic.

  2. Fira: The island’s capital offers panoramic views of the caldera and is filled with charming streets and traditional architecture.

  3. Imerovigli: Often called the "balcony to the Aegean," this village offers incredible views and is a quieter alternative to Oia for sunset photos.

  4. Pyrgos Kallistis: This village is less crowded and offers a more authentic experience. Its medieval castle and panoramic views make it a great spot for photography. It is the highest village in the island, boasts the most amazing 360 views of the entire island of Santorini. It is a beautiful, preserved village on Santorini with the best example of the island’s 5 medieval castles, over 40 churches dotted around the village, and whitewashed cave houses. This peaceful village is home to some of the island's most beautiful churches and historic buildings. Take a stroll through the winding streets and alleyways and discover hidden courtyards and terraces that offer stunning views of the island.

  5. Skaros Rock: A prominent rock formation with breathtaking views, Skaros Rock is a must-visit for photographers seeking dramatic landscapes. Skaros is a stunning and historically significant spot on the island of Santorini. Its unique geological formation is a conical peninsula that culminates in a massive rock formation, towering about 20 meters high. The geological features of Skaros are an impressive sight, and attract visitors from all over the world. However, Skaros is not just a geological wonder. It also holds great historical importance for the island, as it was the first fortress built on Santorini in the 15th century to protect the island from pirate attacks. The ruins of the fortress still stand to this day, and offer a glimpse into the island's rich history. In addition to its geological and historical significance, Skaros is also a popular spot for watching the sunset. The panoramic views from the top of the rock formation are truly breathtaking, making it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Santorini.

  6. Vlychada Beach: Known for its unique lunar-like landscape, Vlychada Beach's white cliffs and dark sand create a striking contrast, perfect for unique photos. Vlychada is a unique and stunning beach located on the south coast of Santorini, Greece. It is easily accessible by car or bus, making it a popular destination for visitors to the island. What sets Vlychada apart is its breathtaking cliffs that resemble a sculptor's work. However, the cliffs are actually a natural process that has been shaped by the forces of the volcano, wind, and sea over time. The result is a landscape that is both dramatic and awe-inspiring. The beach itself is quite lengthy and features relatively shallow waters, making it a great spot for swimming and sunbathing. The sand and pebbles are dark in color, a result of the volcanic activity that created the island.

  7. Koloumpo Beach: A more secluded spot, Koloumpo Beach offers a serene and natural setting for photography. This secluded beach is a hidden gem on the island of Santorini. With its black sand and volcanic rocks, it offers a unique and wild experience for visitors. The beach is accessed by a gentle descent to the water, making it easy to get in and out of the sea. The huge cliffs surrounding the beach are a breathtaking sight, providing natural shade for those seeking relief from the sun. Visitors should bring their own water and provisions, as there are no shops or restaurants nearby. One thing to note about this beach is that it is often frequented by nudists and locals. For those looking for a quiet and peaceful beach experience, this may be a great option.

  8. Therasia Island: Just a short boat ride from Santorini, Therasia offers a peaceful escape with stunning views back towards the main island. Therasia is a small, unimproved island that is steeped in tradition and authenticity. Located on the west side of Santorini, just one nautical mile away from the village of Oia, it is a serene and picturesque destination that is known for its natural beauty. Visitors can reach Therasia by taking a boat from Ammoudi Bay to Riva, the island's port. The journey takes less than 20 minutes and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Upon arrival, visitors are greeted by a tiny and charming port that is lined with fish restaurants serving up fresh seafood and delicious local dishes. One of the things that sets Therasia apart is its commitment to tradition and authenticity. The island is unimproved and has been able to maintain its natural beauty and cultural heritage over the years. Visitors can explore the island on foot, taking in the stunning scenery and enjoying the peace and tranquility that comes with being away from the crowds.

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The Most Beautiful Walk from Fira to Oia

One of the most scenic walks in Santorini is the path from Fira to Oia. This hike takes you along the caldera’s edge, offering breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea and the island’s dramatic cliffs. The walk is approximately 10 kilometers (6 miles) and takes about 3-5 hours to complete, depending on your pace and the number of photo stops. The path passes through charming villages like Imerovigli and Firostefani, providing plenty of opportunities to rest and take in the stunning scenery.

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3-5-Day Itinerary suggestion

Day 1: Arrival and Fira Exploration

  • Morning: Arrive in Santorini and check into your accommodation in Fira.

  • Afternoon: Explore Fira, the island's capital. Visit the Archaeological Museum of Thera and stroll through the picturesque streets.

  • Evening: Enjoy dinner at a cliffside restaurant with a view of the caldera. Watch the sunset from a viewpoint in Fira.

Day 2: Oia and Amoudi Bay

  • Morning: Head to Oia. Explore its charming streets, boutiques, and blue-domed churches.

  • Afternoon: Visit the Maritime Museum and walk down to Amoudi Bay for lunch by the water.

  • Evening: Return to Oia to watch the famous sunset. Have dinner at a local taverna.

Day 3: Akrotiri, Red Beach, and Pyrgos

  • Morning: Visit Akrotiri ruins.

  • Afternoon: Relax at Red Beach.

  • Late Afternoon: Explore the village of Pyrgos. Visit Pyrgos Castle and enjoy panoramic views.

  • Evening: Have dinner in Pyrgos at a traditional restaurant.

Day 4: Imerovigli, Wine Tasting, and Vlychada Beach

  • Morning: Explore Imerovigli and hike to Skaros Rock.

  • Afternoon: Visit a winery for a tour and tasting.

  • Late Afternoon: Head to Vlychada Beach to relax and enjoy the unique landscape.

  • Evening: Have dinner at a beachside taverna in Vlychada.

Day 5: Therasia Island and Hot Springs

  • Morning: Take a boat tour to Therasia Island. Explore the island and enjoy its tranquility.

  • Afternoon: Continue the boat tour to the volcanic hot springs near Nea Kameni. Take a dip in the warm waters.

  • Evening: Return to Fira or Oia for a farewell dinner.

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Tips for All Itineraries

  • Transport: Consider renting a car or ATV for convenience, especially if you plan to explore multiple villages and beaches.

  • Boat Tours: Book a caldera and sunset boat tour in advance to secure your spot.

  • Reservations: Make dinner reservations at popular restaurants, particularly in Oia and Fira, to ensure a table with a view.

  • Local Cuisine: Try traditional Greek dishes like moussaka, souvlaki, and fresh seafood. Don't miss out on local specialties like fava and tomatokeftedes (tomato fritters).

  • Packing: Bring comfortable walking shoes, swimwear, sunscreen, and a hat. The sun can be quite intense, especially during the summer months.

  • Souvenirs: Shop for local products such as wines, olive oil, and handmade crafts to take a piece of Santorini home with you.

Enjoy your trip to Santorini and make the most of each moment on this stunning island!

#Santorini photographer #Blue dome #photo shoot #Therasia Island #Oia sunset #Santorini Oia best photo shooting spots #Windmills #Oia Castle #Kastro #Koloumpo Beach #Vlychada Beach #Skaros Rock #Pyrgos Kallistis #Imerovigli #fira #聖托里尼攝影師 #伊亞夕陽旅拍 #希臘


Santorini is a destination that captivates the hearts of all who visit. Its rich history, stunning landscapes, and unique cultural experiences make it a must-visit location. Whether you're exploring the charming villages, relaxing on beautiful beaches, or capturing the perfect sunset, Santorini offers something for everyone. Plan your visit to this enchanting island and experience the magic of Santorini for yourself.

All photos by Toto kuo

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