巴拿馬不是只有運河,最美拍攝景點和行程攻略指南 Why You Should Visit Panama

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography




#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography


  1. 巴拿馬運河

    • 提示: 拍攝巨型船隻通過米拉弗洛雷斯船閘的場景。

    • 最佳時間: 清晨或傍晚光線較柔和。

  2. 卡斯科老城(Casco Viejo)

    • 提示: 漫步在鵝卵石街道上,拍攝色彩斑斕的殖民時期建築。

    • 最佳時間: 早上,避免人群並捕捉晨光。

  3. 聖布拉斯群島

    • 提示: 使用無人機拍攝壯麗的空中景觀和碧藍的海水。

    • 最佳時間: 上午,天氣晴朗色彩鮮豔。

  4. 波克特

    • 提示: 拍攝茂密的咖啡種植園和壯麗的山景。

    • 最佳時間: 清晨,霧氣環繞的迷人場景。

  5. 博卡斯德爾托羅

    • 提示: 拍攝色彩繽紛的海洋生物和原始海灘。

    • 最佳時間: 早上或下午光線最好,遊客較少。

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography













#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography


  1. 巴拿馬城

    • 一個繁忙的大都市,擁有引人注目的天際線、活躍的夜生活和歷史悠久的卡斯科老城。

  2. 波克特

    • 坐落在高地,以咖啡種植園、涼爽的氣候和戶外活動聞名。

  3. 博卡斯德爾托羅

    • 一個群島,擁有美麗的海灘、珊瑚礁和悠閒的加勒比氛圍。

  4. 大衛

    • 第二大城市,是通往波克特和奇里基省的門戶。




#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography







#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography






#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography



第一天: 巴拿馬城

  • 參觀卡斯科老城和巴拿馬運河。

第二天: 巴拿馬城到聖布拉斯群島

  • 前往聖布拉斯群島,享受浮潛和放鬆。

第三天: 聖布拉斯群島

  • 繼續探索更多島嶼,享受水上活動。

第四天: 聖布拉斯群島到波克特

  • 前往波克特,參觀咖啡種植園。

第五天: 波克特

  • 前往迷失瀑布徒步旅行,探索小鎮。

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

第六天: 波克特到博卡斯德爾托羅

  • 前往博卡斯德爾托羅,放鬆在海灘上。

第七天: 博卡斯德爾托羅

  • 享受水上運動,參觀海豚灣,探索島嶼。


  1. 桑科奇(Sancocho)

    • 傳統雞肉湯,配以木薯、玉米和香草。

  2. 酸橘汁腌魚(Ceviche)

    • 用柑橘汁腌制的新鮮海鮮,常見於當地市場。

  3. 油炸大蕉(Patacones)

    • 炸兩次的青蕉片,通常作為配菜。

  4. 撕肉(Ropa Vieja)

    • 風味豐富的碎牛肉燉菜。

  5. 雞肉飯(Arroz con Pollo)

    • 流行的米飯和雞肉菜餚,配以蔬菜和香料。

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography


  1. 狂歡節

    • 每年2月慶祝,充滿遊行、音樂和舞蹈。

  2. 獨立日

    • 11月3日慶祝,紀念巴拿馬脫離哥倫比亞,舉行遊行和慶祝活動。

  3. 最佳瑪榮娜節

    • 每年9月在瓜拉雷舉行的傳統民俗節日,有音樂、舞蹈和當地工藝品展示。



History of Panama

Panama, a bridge between North and South America, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It was inhabited by indigenous tribes long before Spanish explorers arrived in the 16th century. In 1513, Vasco Núñez de Balboa became the first European to cross the Isthmus of Panama, reaching the Pacific Ocean. This discovery marked Panama as a crucial transit route.

Panama gained independence from Spain in 1821 and was part of Colombia until 1903 when it became a sovereign nation with the support of the United States. The construction of the Panama Canal, completed in 1914, transformed global trade by connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, cementing Panama's strategic importance.

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

Most Popular Photo Shooting Spots

  1. Panama Canal

    • Tip: Capture the massive ships navigating the Miraflores Locks.

    • Best Time: Early morning or late afternoon for softer light.

  2. Casco Viejo (Old Quarter)

    • Tip: Wander the cobblestone streets and photograph the colorful colonial buildings.

    • Best Time: Early morning to avoid crowds and capture the morning light.

  3. San Blas Islands

    • Tip: Use a drone to capture the stunning aerial views of the islands and turquoise waters.

    • Best Time: Mid-morning for clear skies and vibrant colors.

  4. Boquete

    • Tip: Capture the lush coffee plantations and scenic mountain views.

    • Best Time: Early morning for misty, atmospheric shots.

  5. Bocas del Toro

    • Tip: Photograph the vibrant marine life and pristine beaches.

    • Best Time: Early morning or late afternoon for the best light and fewer tourists.

The Importance of the Panama Canal

A Crucial Hub for Global Trade

The Panama Canal is one of the most important man-made waterways in the world, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It significantly shortens the sailing distance for ships traveling from the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States, or from Europe to Asia. This greatly reduces transportation costs and promotes the development of international trade. Tens of thousands of ships pass through the canal each year, carrying goods from all over the world, making Panama a vital hub for global commerce.

An Engine for Economic Growth

The Panama Canal plays a massive role in driving the Panamanian economy. The revenue from the canal comes from the toll fees charged to ships passing through, which is a significant source of income for the Panamanian government. This revenue supports the country's infrastructure development and public services. The existence of the canal has also spurred the growth of Panama City, turning it into an international business and financial center, attracting substantial investments and talent.

A Miracle of Engineering and Technology

The Panama Canal is considered an engineering marvel. Its construction took ten years and required tremendous manpower and resources. The construction process overcame numerous technical and natural challenges, such as outbreaks of malaria and yellow fever, as well as complex terrain and climate conditions. The canal's lock system ingeniously uses gravity and water pressure to lift and lower ships, which was an unprecedented innovation at the time.

A Symbol of Culture and History

The Panama Canal is not just a waterway but also a symbol of national identity and pride for Panama. Since the United States began constructing the canal in 1904, Panama went through a long historical journey until the 1977 signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, which gradually transferred the canal's sovereignty to Panama. This process symbolized Panama's independence and sovereignty and became an important part of the country's history.

Environmental and Ecological Significance

The area around the Panama Canal is rich in biodiversity and serves as a habitat for numerous species of flora and fauna. The canal's presence has promoted environmental protection efforts in the region, especially in water resource management. The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is committed to protecting and sustainably using the natural resources around the canal, ensuring that its long-term operation does not harm the environment.

In summary, the importance of the Panama Canal extends to global trade, the Panamanian economy, engineering and technology, cultural history, and environmental protection. It has not only transformed global trade patterns but also become an important symbol of Panama's national development and international cooperation.

Beautiful Cities to Visit

  1. Panama City

    • A bustling metropolis with a striking skyline, vibrant nightlife, and historic Casco Viejo.

  2. Boquete

    • Nestled in the highlands, it's known for coffee plantations, cooler climate, and outdoor activities.

  3. Bocas del Toro

    • An archipelago with stunning beaches, coral reefs, and laid-back Caribbean vibes.

  4. David

    • The second-largest city, serving as a gateway to Boquete and the Chiriquí Province.

The Special Characteristics of Panamanian Coffee

Unique Geographic Environment

The quality and flavor of Panamanian coffee benefit from its unique geographic environment. The high-altitude regions of Panama, especially the Boquete and Volcán areas in Chiriquí Province, are among the best places in the world for growing high-quality coffee. These areas are located on volcanic mountain ranges with fertile soil, a cool climate, and significant day-night temperature variations, all of which contribute to the unique flavor and high quality of the coffee beans.

Unique Coffee Varieties

Panama is world-renowned for its production of Geisha coffee. Geisha coffee beans originated in Ethiopia but have been perfected in Panama. Panamanian Geisha coffee is famous for its unique floral and fruity aromas and bright acidity, often winning awards in international coffee competitions. This coffee bean is produced in small quantities but is of very high quality, making it an expensive luxury in the coffee world.

Strict Growing and Processing Techniques

Throughout the production process of Panamanian coffee, farmers pay attention to every detail, from planting and picking to processing, using the best techniques and craftsmanship. Hand-picking the coffee beans ensures that only the ripest fruits are selected, followed by meticulous processing and roasting to preserve the natural flavors and aromas of the coffee to the greatest extent.

Unique Flavor Characteristics

Panamanian coffee has rich and unique flavor characteristics. Geisha coffee typically has floral and fruity aromas, bright acidity, and a smooth, refreshing taste. Additionally, other varieties of Panamanian coffee also have unique flavors, such as rich chocolate, nutty notes, and gentle fruit acidity, all of which contribute to Panama's prominent position in the global coffee market.

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

International Recognition and Awards

Panamanian coffee enjoys a high reputation in the international market and has won numerous accolades in international coffee competitions. Especially Geisha coffee, which often scores high in "Best of Panama" competitions, further solidifying Panama's leading position in the global coffee market.

Coffee Culture and Tourism

Panama's coffee culture also attracts many coffee lovers and tourists. The Boquete and Volcán areas have become popular coffee tourism destinations where visitors can tour coffee farms, learn about the coffee growing and processing process, and taste fresh Panamanian coffee, experiencing the local coffee culture.

In conclusion, Panamanian coffee stands out in the global coffee market due to its unique geographic environment, high-quality coffee varieties, strict growing and processing techniques, and unique flavor characteristics. These factors collectively create the exceptional quality and unique charm of Panamanian coffee.

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

Recommended Itinerary

7-Day Itinerary

Day 1: Panama City

  • Visit Casco Viejo and the Panama Canal.

Day 2: Panama City to San Blas Islands

  • Travel to San Blas Islands for snorkeling and relaxation.

Day 3: San Blas Islands

  • Explore more islands and enjoy water activities.

Day 4: San Blas Islands to Boquete

  • Travel to Boquete, visit a coffee plantation.

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

Day 5: Boquete

  • Hike to the Lost Waterfalls and explore the town.

Day 6: Boquete to Bocas del Toro

  • Travel to Bocas del Toro, relax on the beach.

Day 7: Bocas del Toro

  • Enjoy water sports, visit Dolphin Bay, and explore the islands.

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

Local Food

  1. Sancocho

    • A traditional chicken soup with yucca, corn, and herbs.

  2. Ceviche

    • Fresh seafood marinated in citrus juices, commonly found at local markets.

  3. Patacones

    • Twice-fried plantains, often served as a side dish.

  4. Ropa Vieja

    • Shredded beef stew, a flavorful main course.

  5. Arroz con Pollo

    • A popular dish of rice with chicken, vegetables, and spices.

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

Special Events

  1. Carnival

    • Celebrated in February, it's a vibrant festival with parades, music, and dancing.

  2. Independence Day

    • Celebrated on November 3rd, marking Panama's separation from Colombia with parades and festivities.

  3. Festival de la Mejorana

    • A traditional folk festival held in September in Guararé, featuring music, dancing, and local crafts.

Why You Should Visit Panama

Panama offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition, with its bustling capital city and historic quarters. The country’s diverse ecosystems range from tropical rainforests to pristine beaches, making it a paradise for nature lovers. The Panama Canal stands as a marvel of engineering, and the indigenous cultures add to the rich tapestry of experiences. With its strategic location, Panama serves as a cultural and economic crossroads, offering something for every traveler. Whether you're looking to explore vibrant cities, relax on idyllic beaches, or immerse yourself in rich history and culture, Panama is a destination that should not be missed.

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography

All photos by Toto Kuo

#巴拿馬運河 #巴拿馬城 #卡斯科老城 #聖布拉斯群島 #波克特 #博卡斯德爾托羅 #南美洲旅遊 #旅遊攝影 #巴拿馬咖啡 #Panama Canal #Casco Viejo #San Blas Islands #Boquete #Bocas del Toro #Sancocho #Ceviche #Patacones #Ropa Vieja #Arroz con Pollo #Panama coffee #South America #Travel photography


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